When I entered university last year, I was very afraid to enter English classes, in fact, it still happens to me. I will be honest, and far from happy to learn a new language that is too important worldwide, it causes me stress, impotence and shame. Every time I had to read or speak in class, it was a bad time, because my base in the subject was bad, I studied in a little school where I didn’t know anything about English until eighth year, So in high school I had a bad time and I was afraid to repeat those moments in university.
Luckily, in
the FAU the variability of topics that are addressed in the classes and the
methods are more pleasurable, making me dare to participate in the classes. In
fact, I appreciate this instance of blogs, thanks to it I can tell you my
historical grudge with English, but with faculty professors, it has been
diminished and more enjoyable.
The hardest
aspects of English for me are listening and pronunciation, so I try to pay
attention when I listen to songs, especially from US female singers, as I
really like pop, or sometimes when I’m alone, either in the shower or in my
room, I start singing them. In my day to day I don´t use much the English, only
for the class, sometimes to play Duolingo and very few times, to understand an
article of architecture that is not in Spanish.