viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020


My favorite movie 

My favorite movie is one that I watched about 9 months ago, but I was very surprised and loved. In general, I like comedies, action movies, horror films and fantasy movies (I have to admit it, I like cartoons too), however this movie doesn't belong to any of these themes and in fact, it is quite particular because it is a Chilean romantic movie.

The film is called ¨Los Fuertes¨ and embodies the story of two men, an Architect from Santiago and a Fisherman from Valdivia. These men are known in a small town next to Valdivia, called Niebla which is very conservative and produces suspense in this love story because the moments when they are together are fortuitous and rare, but that is so well accomplished, because they had the fear that they will be discovered and the film produces in the viewer an eroticism in this situation.

This film was recently released in April in our country online, which I regret very much because the pandemic limited their earnings a lot, and where the leading actors are the handsome Samuel González and Antonio Altamirano.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020



The best holidays I’ve had are certainly the study tour I went to in 2018, it was a very special trip because I did it with my classmates, we were 41 students and 4 dads, We rented a bus from a company in the city of Santa Cruz and undertook a 3-day trip to Camboriú, in Brazil.

In the long drive we sang, drank and watched many movies, although I hated not being able to take a shower in so many days. When we finally arrived at the place, it was beautiful, a modern city made for tourism, the beach was of white sand and warm waters, not like the icy beaches of Chile. We spent 6 days in Brazil and started the return trip, which took another 3 days.

On the way back to Chile, we stopped in Paraguay to visit Ciudad del Este, a border city with a huge commercial focus, I remember that perfumes, technology and alcohol were very cheap (you had to be careful of counterfeit things), another thing I loved about the trip were cigarettes, the packs were too cheap and had many varieties!

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020


 I would like to visit China someday, since I was little, I have been fascinated by modern cities, with many skyscrapers and spectacular architecture.

The first time I got to know more about this country was when I heard about two big chinese cities, I was watching a national geographic program, where they named the city of Shanghai and the autonomous city of Hong Kong, which are two of the largest technology poles in the world, in addition of being too crowded.

I would like to work in an architecture firm, one that builds landmark, record-breaking monumental works. Also I would like to visit the Chinese wall, meet the terracotta warriors, the largest dam in the world and the highest bridge in the world, the latter fascinates me because it is 570 meters high, that is almost 2 times the height of the Great Tower Santiago!

However, one thing I don’t like about the country is their conservative view they have on various social issues that we have more advanced in the West, such as the population’s view of homosexuality.

  ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHALLENGES When I entered university last year, I was very afraid to enter English classes, in fact, it still happens t...